Comments on: Tiger Sites suck or do they roar? Searching for Web Hosts that Suck the Least Thu, 30 Dec 2010 15:39:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Abbott Robert Abbott Wed, 29 Jul 2009 06:43:46 +0000 Update to my other Comments all my sites are back online and i have had so much support from Tigersites from Karl Davids Senior System Administrator also from Trey Gardner owner of TigerSites that i have to say Tigersites do not suck they Roar BIG TIME I was at the time so fedup i would like to say sorry to this site and Tigersites. Thanks Robert Abbott Update to my other Comments all my sites are back online and i have had so much support from Tigersites from Karl Davids Senior System Administrator also from Trey Gardner owner of TigerSites that i have to say Tigersites do not suck they Roar BIG TIME
I was at the time so fedup i would like to say sorry to this site and Tigersites.

Thanks Robert Abbott

By: Robert Abbott Robert Abbott Sun, 26 Jul 2009 22:27:50 +0000 I am with tigersites for about 5 months and as i type this all my site 30+ are down and have been down for over 16 hours and still down i do not know what is going on. I was told it is an issue with the server and the service would be restored shortly. That was 16+ hours ago and still waiting? I am with tigersites for about 5 months and as i type this all my site 30+ are down and have been down for over 16 hours and still down i do not know what is going on.
I was told it is an issue with the server and the service would be restored shortly. That was 16+ hours ago and still waiting?
