Did you hear Lunarpages customers had problems? Some said Lunar Pages scams? Read some Lunarpages.com issues and bad experiences? Did you hear about Lunarpages horror stories and their limitations? READ THIS REPORT FIRST! You may be wondering if these negative reviews can be trusted.
If you are considering to get a hosting account from Lunarpages, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “Lunarpages Sucks” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about Lunarpages thus far.
Lunarpages experiences and horrific stories like below may make you think twice to signup with Lunarpages:
- “Somewhere between 1% and 3% of e-mails from our web site went missing without trace…”
- “My first experience with them was utterly horrible, but resulted in me contacting one of their departmental managers who apologized and promised improvement. Feeling good about the apology, 6 months later I tried them again… the experience was just as awful… ”
- “All of a sudden, one Sunday night in which I receive the fewest traffic, my site was suspended. Completely removed from their servers and I got no email too… “
If you go through each of Googles result pages, it seems there are hundreds of unsatisfied customers who have been through some sticky situation with Lunarpages. If you search for the keywords “Lunarpages sucks”, you see that there are about 1000+ results by Google. That is a lot of bad things said about one hosting (assuming all those result pages talks about why this hosting provider really sucked), isn’t it? There may be a few more result pages when you search for “Lunarpages scam”, “Lunarpages issues“, or ”Lunarpages problems“. Sure these hate or complaint sites worry you even after you have read so many positive reviews, right? Did these hate pages confuse your decision about hosting at Lunarpages?
hostingsthatsuck.com SERP Review for Lunarpages Web Hosting:
Web Hosting Total Pages
About Web HostTotal “Suck” Pages
About This HostHate/Pages Ratio Lunarpages 1,330,000 1060 0.07 %
Think again. Do not dismiss the fact that Lunarpages is one of the top web hosting companies in the industry today. You have read the other Lunarpages reviews elsewhere. Lunarpages does what a hosting company should do. Other reviews have summarized that Lunarpages actually answers their phones, replies to their emails, responds to live chat requests, doesn’t rip you off, and provides reliable quality hosting. Lunarpages also got some of the best windows hosting plans around. So among the hundred thousands of satisfied clients, surely they will be a few who disagree. Let us look at the numbers above.
From the above number, only 7 out of every 10,000 pages about Lunarpages says that this hosting sucks. This is still very good considering other hostings we have looked at have way worst ratio. Looking at the big picture, the hate pages are almost negligible.
Would you agree that finding a good web hosting can be tiring and time consuming, when you should be building your blog, designing your company website or selling your product?
So our verdict: Hostingsthatsuck.com Recommends Lunarpages
You have seen the numbers above. Numbers don’t lie. You should look no further. Lunarpages comes with 30-day money back guarantee so there is little risk to you to try host your blog, build company website, sell your products with them or try their affordable fantastico hosting. Follow the Lunarpages discount link below and get their special limited time, Unlimited Space & Bandwidth offer for just $4.95/month. You can reduce your price further and use their Promo or Coupon Code below.
Hesitate no more. Do you still need to delay building your blog or website? First things first. You can start today:
Get Lunarpages Unlimited Space/Bandwidth + Free Domain for $4.95/month
COUPON CODE: Enter the coupon code given below at checkout to receive $48 OFF your total amount. We cannot confirm that the coupon still works as the current price is already lowered special price. But if it works, do let us know.
Note: The above numbers and statistics is true at the date of the writing. Since then, there have been some number of negative comments and complaints we received from our readers about Lunarpages. We are sure this is not simply due to Lunarpages.com getting worst but because their customers have grown by a larger number and surely there have been some slip ups and dissatisfaction are heard more often than not. In addition, we are recommending an alternative hosting plan by InMotion Hosting for you to try. Follow the link below for their custom-fit packages priced from as low as $3 monthly! You pay for what you need and all packages come with cPanel and eCommerce-ready support. Our InMotion hosting review is as good, if not better than about Lunarpages.
InMotion Hosting Discount Link
PROMO / COUPON CODE: Don’t worry about remembering the coupon code. Just use the link below and this special link will automatically apply coupon code (if available) when you checkout.
Hosting Tips: We highly recommend that you do not use the free domain name for life offer to do your main or important web domain registration. Use a different domain names registration service instead. This can avoid domain transfer problem in the future. Most people may want to move to a different hosting company when the needs arises. There are many low cost domain registration services you can use nowadays. Moreover, get one of the best online backup services if you need to store non-webpage-related files because most web hosting companies are not happy to see unrelated files in their so called “unlimited” webspace.
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I absolutely love lunar. Can’t say enough good things about them. Tech support gets back to you very fast. And you can’t beet the fall special. Check out my video review if you like… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp8k6IEEP-Y
If I had to pick…or, better yet, if I could afford to pick, Lunar it seems would be one of my first choices for web hosting.
i Don’t , as far as i used their service i am very dissatisfied with them…
… they are not at all good web host.
I’m on my second bout of no email with Lunarpages. I signed up with them just for email on my domain. This time I’ve been without email 24 hours, they have no update or eta when the problem will be fixed. Now it’s Saturday, I don’t know if anyone is even in support.
Lunarpages sucks
EasyCGI, I could not reach my website, numerous times, I even sent a traceroute to their IT support and they escalated the issue to their tier 2 support, and to no avail, they said the problem must be on my side. Even though it would timeout once it passed their demarc point which is inside their buiding. It would be up for 2 hours then down 4 hours, then it would be back up, I did not change any code. I was using their Microsoft servers not their Unix servers. Numerous times, I could not get into the control panel. Also, had problems when I added a second domain to the account, they started billing me multiple problems, but they did give me a credit each time it happened. In 2010, it got worse, I have switched to Lunar Pages, and my website had been up and running with no problem and their tier 1 support is excellent.
I’ve been a LunarPages customer for many years. At first it was great, then it degraded to good and had been so for awhile. This week it has been horrible. The Hydra server went down 4 days ago and it’s still not fixed, no website, no email. Status on repair has been skimpy and actually says now that it’s “awesome”. The actual status is still no website or email, not so awesome in my eyes.