Webfaction Hosting is a problem hosting. They are are a big problem because they don’t have any real bad reviews about them when we searched for “webfaction sucks” or “WebFaction complaints” on Google today… yeah big problem for their competitors is what we meant. Well, there were some result pages but they were mostly spam pages not written by real human. We are really looking for Webfaction bad experiences or horror stories.
We also tried “WebFactions sucks”, “webfaction sux”, “web faction sucks”, “WebFaction complains” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by WebFaction. Sorry still no related complaints or negative reviews found!
If you are considering any hosting company, you should do a search for keywords “X Hosting Sucks” on Google. Perhaps you have already read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about hosting X but doing the “X sucks” search may reveal the true side of the hosting provider. You can also try other keywords such as “webfaction problems”, “webfaction issues” or “webfaction scam”.
hostingsthatsuck.com Google SERPs analysis
Compare Search Keywords Total Results Godaddy GoDaddy Sucks about 6,350 iPowerWeb iPowerWeb Sucks about 1,060 1&1 1&1 Sucks about 1,080 Hostmonster Hostmonster Sucks about 600 WebFaction.com WebFaction Sucks almost none
WebFaction is almost perfect! With no or very few complaints whatsoever. If you ask us how good is WebFaction hosting, our answer is they are a very good web hosting according to our criteria.
Our Verdict: Hostingsthatsuck.com Recommends WebFaction
We try not to be biased when we do reviews but with WebFaction, it is hard not to. So hostingsthatsuck.com have no problem recommending it to anyone. Now click here to checkout the plan most suitable for you and start on a reliable hosting at lower price or type the url https://www.hostingsthatsuck.com/go/webfaction.php
You don’t need another WebFaction review or WebFaction critique to decide. You can read as many critical reviews, comments, WebFaction issues, WebFaction problems, and stories of limitations about them that you can find. Here is a challenge to find a better hosting than what we just recommended. Go search for some other hostings with no “X sucks” pages on Google, and post them down here in the comment box. Better yet, try find such a hosting company with similar support as WebFaction (support for PHP, MySQL, Django, Rails, TurboGears, CherryPy, WordPress, WebDAV, Wikis, Trac, Subversion, and more.) but with cheaper monthly hosting price. If you do find it, please do post a comment here and hostingthatsuck.com will retract this recommendation. If not, would you take a look at the latest WebFaction promotions today and start building that website?
You have seen the number analysis above. Numbers don’t lie. You don’t need to look further do you? WebFaction comes with 60-day money back guarantee so there is little risk to you to try host your blog, build company website or sell your products with them. Follow the WebFaction discount link below and get their special, Unlimited Upgrade (No limits on the number of applications, websites, e-mails and databases). Even without any Webfaction.com coupon code, their prices are already very low compared to many other application hosting providers. The more years you prepay, the cheaper it gets. Although Webfaction does not give free domain for life like other cheap hosts, web domain registration are so cheap nowadays it should not even outweigh Webfaction’s superior support and services.
Hesitate no more. Sure you don’t want to delay building your web application or website any longer, do you? First things first. You can start today:
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Two hosting companies that do care about their customers are SliceHost and WebFaction
Webfaction is the best hosting I have found. Not only from the tecnical point and the great uptimes. The best part of Webfaction is their staff. They are really interested in helping their clients.
Webfaction continue doing so and I will use your hosting forever.
I have a friend who hosts through Webfaction and his website looks amazing, always online and seems fine. He has no problems with it.
5/5 stars.
Yes I’m a real person
I live in Portland Oregon
Oh the irony! Just found this post by googling “don’t use webfaction”.
Another host that doesn’t suck – https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1CHMP_en-GBGB291GB304&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=unitedhosting+sucks
I’m very tempted to move to webfaction, its a little more expensive than what I’m paying right now, but they offer subversion hosting which is a major feature for me. Plus I haven’t heard that many bad things about them.
The only negative thing I’ve picked up was that there were a few minor problems with their trac setup
I agree ! I am a happy client of Webfaction, and that is just true.
I feel like I know these guys personally when I send them an email. They alway answer fast, and they don’t just give you an out of the book answer.
Their tools are great and professional.
I would also like to throw in my agreement wholeheartedly! I’ve been with them for a little over a year and they have been perfect in every metric I consider important.
Just curious, most people on Webfaction have what Plan? I plan to get the cheapest plan just want to survey.
Just get the cheapest plan if you are starting up. The other plans just multiplies the storage space, bandwidth and application memory of the cheapest plan.
What can I say, unbelievably variety of deployment solutions without any hassle on the end user’s part and almost seamless integration with all major web platforms (and let’s admit it, who cares about windows and it’s almost proprietary ASP.NET), this is definitely one of the best offers I’ve yet to encounter, and the budget range is just yet another plus :D, highly recommended for pros and newbies alike.
Another happy webfaction customer here. Support has always been fast and professional. +1
Agreed! I’ve had webfaction for close to a year. While I get the vibe that a lot of the web faction staff and users are pythonistas, they have great support for other apps and languages. I have ruby and php apps hosted there. Their control panel is useful and the workflow for serving apps on different domains/sites is intuitive. When I was just getting started their staff helped me troubleshoot even the most embarrassing mistakes. Also, their forums are a great knowledge-base for whatever you’re trying to do. Their staff are ubiquitous.
My experience with webfaction is generally positive. They certainly have fantastic personal tech support. My interest in them was a result of the pseudo-vps aspect which is allowing me to run caudium as my server, at an affordable cost. They are not, however, perfect. Their homespun account interface takes some adjustment and really is clumsy, although it does everything it needs to once you figure it out, and the email server is not well optimized resulting in frequent failed connection attempts and lag problems in receiving mail from SMTP and retrieving with desktop POP client. I do recommend them, though.
I love webfaction. Although it is a little expensive and they don’t offer domain names, their hosting just works. I you want to change something then you just use the ssh or ftp. Not as good as slicehost (more expensive) but still great. I use it for plone. I also like Shared 2. Godaddy is the WORST I have used.
I am in the process of moving a hundred sites to web faction from 1and1. I love web faction and hate 1and1, they are just awful.